Dr. Wolfgang Hildesheim

Director Watson, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence DACH at IBM

Wolfgang Hildesheim is a high energy physicist by education. He worked at CERN and DESY. After more than 10 years in research and consulting he took the Executive Vice President role for Worldwide Sales and Marketing of a family owned company in the area of Big Data and Communication Intelligence. Being a member of the board he significantly grew revenues and profits, in particular through individual custom solutions and strong client orientation.
In 1997 Wolfgang joined IBM to lead the Automotive, Aerospace and High Tech Practice. Since 1999 he led IBM’s Big Data Industry Solution Business in Europe helping client enterprises to become more data driven and create business value by using Analytics.
Since 2012 he is responsible for creating and growing IBM´s Watson Business in Europe with a major focus on Germany. Watson Solutions are IBM’s answer to the current worldwide Artificial Intelligence (AI) mega trend, offering unmatched intelligent services and competitive edge. While the risks of a Super AI are overestimated in the public discussion and driven by Hollywood, the market opportunity for growth and new jobs related to Narrow AI technologies are underestimated. Wolfgang Hildesheim is regularly presenting at several conferences and publications related to AI.