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Fabian Westerheide, intrigued by the idea of the Singularity, pondered its proximity. Seeking to engage with others who shared his curiosity, he initiated a transhumanistic meetup group to discuss these futuristic topics.
In early 2015, the first meetup took place with 10 people gathering at cbase to explore the concept of Singularity. Inspired by the discussions, the group decided to expand their gatherings by inviting more attendees and featuring experts to provide deeper insights.
Fabian hosted the first "Rise of AI" event, followed by a second on “Human Coexistence with Machines.” With over 2,000 people on the waiting list, Fabian brought in Veronika Westerheide to help manage the growing demand.
With Veronika’s support, the first "Rise of AI Conference" was launched at the Technikmuseum Berlin, drawing 350 attendees. The conference marked a significant step up from the earlier meetup events, featuring a structured program and broader participation.
The "Rise of AI Conference" moved to a new venue at the Hauptstadtrepräsentanz Berlin to accommodate growing interest. The event expanded with 650 attendees, three stages, and the first-ever Rise of AI exhibition, showcasing a wider range of AI topics and innovations.
The conference continued to grow, introducing AI Deep Dive Workshops and adding a fourth stage focused on various themes: AI Future, AI Applied, AI Evolution, and AI Unicorns. The event attracted 800 guests, reflecting its increasing importance in the AI community.
Planned as part of the German AI Week, the 2020 "Rise of AI Conference" anticipated 2,000 guests. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a shift to virtual formats. In April, the team launched the "Rise of AI Virtual Chats," a series of online discussions with leading AI experts. In November, the hybrid "Rise of AI Summit" was held, drawing 1,800 virtual attendees.
Throughout 2021, the "Rise of AI Virtual Chats" continued, maintaining engagement within the community despite ongoing pandemic restrictions.
In June 2022, the "Rise of AI Conference" returned as a hybrid event. It was a moment of reunion for many, with 160 guests attending in Berlin and over 900 participants joining via live stream.
The May 2023 "Rise of AI Conference" was held as part of the German AI Month mAI 2023. The event saw 223 live attendees and more than 1,000 online viewers, further solidifying its role as a key gathering for AI enthusiasts and professionals.
The 2024 "Rise of AI Conference" reached new heights of popularity, being overbooked well in advance. The event hosted 300 guests in Berlin and attracted 1,600 online viewers, featuring over 40 keynotes and panels. The success underscored the conference's growing influence in the AI field.
If you would like to partner with us, please speak with Veronika and Fabian.
The KI Bundesverband and Rise of AI have entered into a joint cooperation with the goal of working to build, promote, and protect the German AI ecosystem.
Rise of AI is a member of KI Park e.V. for the promotion of applied AI in medium-sized businesses and corporations.
Rise of AI supports the Deep Tech Award as jury member for AI and with our network.
Rise of AI started with 10 people discussing the Singularity in 2014. Today Rise of AI is Europe’s influential platform for the growing Artificial Intelligence industry.
Our mission is to build a thriving European ecosystem. We aim for AIs, which serve us and all human benefit with a longer and happier life.
Therefore we organize the yearly Rise of AI Conference. Furthermore, we educate, create awareness, advise and invest within the young but growing AI ecosystem.
Our CEO, Fabian Westerheide, is an international expert on Artificial Intelligence strategy, entrepreneur and venture capitalist. An avid sci-fi lover from childhood, Fabian has turned his lifelong passion for technology and human progress into his mission.
As CEO of Pandora Events Berlin and Co-Founder and COO of Rise of AI Conference, Veronika Westerheide has many years of experience in organizing high-quality, exciting tech and AI events. She is well-connected with leading AI companies, associations and other stakeholders.
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Fabian collects a lot of brilliant thinkers.