I received my PhD degree in 2009, officially from the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Istanbul. During my PhD, I have worked as a teaching assistant at University of Trento and Technical University of Munich. After my PhD degree, I continued living in Munich. I have worked at German Aerospace Center (DLR) Earth Observation Group. During my years in Germany, I worked as a guest lecturer at several German universities and I pursued Habilitation research study at the University of Osnabrueck. In 2012, I started working at TUDelft. After the end of my contract, I focused on developing my own AI and big data processing framework (farmAR app) which has been awarded by EU Commission twice, mainly because of highly supporting the sustainable development goals with an innovative solutions between science and the end users. Between 2017-2019, I worked at University of Twente, at Robotics and Mechatronics group, where I develop AI, computer vision and SLAM algorithms in the field of healthcare. Currently, I am working at Jönköping University within the AI Lab where I sharpen my research on explainability and trust issues of AI algorithms and generating AGI systems for healthcare and earth-care applications. My personal website: http://www.BerilSirmacek.com